
Brick Oven Artisan Pizzas at the Smith Flat House, All Summer Long
2021 Smith Flat Rd, Placerville. Wednesday Thru Saturday 4:00PM-10:00PM

The ovens are in full flame at El Dorado County’s best kept secret! We offer hand crafted specialty pizzas and salads with a terrific selection of local foothill wine and beer.

The historic Smith Flat House has stood as a Gold Rush monument for over a hundred years, and is now the site of a beautifully remodeled health and entertainment center. Within the magnificent stone courtyard, our restaurant comes to life. Bring a friend or a party. There is plenty of room to spread out and enjoy a conversation or the night’s entertainment.

This is an order-at-the-counter, reservation-free service that is both classy and family friendly. The Smith Flat House is located just off the Placerville bike trail near Jacquier Rd. We thank El Dorado County for always supporting local business and food, making high-quality service a possibility for our community!